
the upcoming nineteenth Japanese animated feature film based on the Dragon Ball series, and the fifteenth to carry the Dragon Ball Z branding, set to be released in theaters on April 18, 2015. It will be the first ever Japanese film to be screened in IMAX 3D, and will also receive screenings at 4DX theaters.  The display shows a character Goku  Super Saiyan God SS  fighting against Freeza, which in turn golden phase.   Resurrection 'F' is the second film personally supervised by series creator Akira Toriyama. Through an interview with the author, Mr. Shakira said that the letter F in the movie title is in fact the name "Freeza" and is the one who will be revived again in the film, Mr. Akira said he thought the title when he was listening to the song F of Maximum band The Hormone ; who know them personally through a friend, in fact, one of the team members told him they sang the song for Freeza.

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